Mike Jasper's Bigass Small Diaphragm Mic Shoot-out

Comments from Panelist Nathan Rousu

Hi Mike -

Overall I have a few comments.  

I found two things that were generally not to my preference within much of the test.  I found most of the samples – for my personal preferences -- too heavy / boxy in the bottom end with a sound (or so it sounds to me anyway) that is mic'ed a little too near the hole [see editor's note #4].  My personal preference is for a different mic'ing position to get less of the boxy / boomy sound that often comes out of the hole and to get the low end from different areas of the guitar. 

The other thing that I noticed a lot is that the guitar would often ring at 1.25K in most of the samples.  I suspect it’s a harmonic on an open string [see editor's note #3].  I did, however, try to overlook this and focus on the overall sound and balance trying to get an idea of what I would be drawn to use on a solo guitar recording.  

I hope all that helps.  Any questions just let me know.

Thanks for including me in the test!

Nathan Rousu